Thursday, August 16, 2012

My heart hurts

My heart is still hurting over the news of the shooting death of Khalil, a friend from Enderly Park that I had the opportunity to spend some time with at our 2011 youth fall retreat.  So many people have spoken of his gentleness and how good a person he was.  I remember a particular story about Khalil that my friend Helms from Hyaets relayed to me on the day she found out about Khalil's untimely death.  There had been several things that had happened between 2 Park Road youth that Khalil interpreted as bullying.  While I wasn't a fan of Khalil's wanting to fight this supposed bully, I appreciated the fact that he was sticking up for the small guy.  Khalil - you will be missed.  We will remember you!

                                                              Khalil at Hyaets/PRBC 2011 fall retreat

My heart also hurts for Damien Wright, who was the shooter.  Of the news I've received, I believe that Khalil and Damien were friends and that Khalil's shooting was an accident.  I have been thinking about the pain that Damien must be going through, not because he's in jail, but because his actions led to the death of his friend.  I would include a picture here but the only one I have access to is his mug shot, and it's likely not reflective of who Damien is.
Let us all pray for an end to violence in all its forms.  Let us pray for Khalil and Damien's family and friends.  Let us pray for those people who help to care for those who are hurting. 

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