The game Sorry was a favorite of the Kellett family while we were on Sabbatical together
I had such good intentions - go on Sabbatical, wax eloquently on the blogosphere about deep, theological convications about play and rest that would make the apostle Paul jealous. I had a good start...
I am grateful to the people at Park Road who encouraged me not to feel compelled to have to do everything on my Sabbatical that I set out to do. Blogging was one of those ideas that fell into this category. I've never been a big journaler, so I'm not entirely sure why I thought I would, all-of-the sudden, become an incredible blogger. Now that Sabbatical has passed, I really do regret not having blogged more often. I am Sorry.
As part of my Sabbatical, I was asked to put together a culminating event upon my return - something that would be beneficial to the church and would tie in directly with my Sabbatical. I'll be honest - I had a difficult time with this. Many of our families are busy, busy, busy. I don't say that in a negative way - just that there is a lot on many of our calendars. I wanted to plan something that would center around the idea of play and rest, and then I would proceed to put something else on one's calendar. Didn't seem to fit together for me.
I believe very strongly in the Church, in my church, and in my ministry. I believe that we, as the Church, can play a vital role in this world and offer something to this world that people need and want. And it can be something that strengthens our faith without having to have to open the Bible and have Bible Study.
I also thought that my culminating event needed to be something that, upon engaging, people would say, "that just blew my mind". (FYI - I'm a huge Seinfeld fan).
I often find myself needing to blow everyone's minds with what I spend my time on - with my family, with my wife (hope that she likes her birthday presents), and with my ministry. Maybe the last thing people need in their lives is something more fancy and big and complicated and what folks need is something simple, easy - somewhere they can laugh and eat a bowl of soup and play a fun game with their own family and with their church family. Maybe what folks need is a time to take a breath, to rest - time to play.
On Friday, January 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm, we will gather as a community of faith to eat and play together. Here is the official blurb that I am sending out:
Play is the reset button God gives us to get a fresh take on a situation and to renew our lives.
Do you need a time of Sabbath rest, of renewal, of being re-created? You’re invited to a time of play at Park Road on Friday, January 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the community center. As part of my culminating Sabbatical event, we will be enjoying a time of fellowship around the table. We’ll share a soup supper together and then play together. We’ll play all sorts of games – board games, card games, games of luck, games that take thought.
Please let the church office or Michael know if you’ll be attending. If you’d be willing to bring a pot of soup, please let us know that as well.
Hope that you won’t be “Sorryed” at our time together – the Kellett children may laugh as they make you go back to Start. If you are "Sorryed", hope you'll laugh along
More in my next blog post about the importance of rest and play. For now, get your games ready (I'm really good at Sorry, so watch out) and make sure that this Friday night from 6:30-8:30 at Park Road is on your calendar. What a wonderful time of rest and fun it will be.